Writing Rules



The abstract should briefly state the research's purpose, findings, and main conclusions. It should be capable of forming a general opinion about the research. References should be avoided in the abstract. In addition, abbreviations should not be included in the abstract.

In this part of the study, information about the theoretical framework, importance, aims and problem situation of the research should be included. This section should reveal the background of the research.

The type, model, questions and hypotheses of the research should be clearly stated. The sample of the study, data collection techniques, validity and reliability analysis and, if necessary, "Ethics Committee" approval should be given in this section.

The findings obtained as a result of the research should be able to explain the purpose of the study and the research problem. Obtained results, tables, graphs, figures, etc. in line with the data should be supported by demonstrations.


Inferences from the findings should be given in this section. In this section, discussion and suggestions can be given in the form of subtitles.


 The "acknowledgements" statement to the people, institutions, or organizations that contributed to the research should be given in this section.


References should be prepared according to the version of "American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7)".


Appendices should be given on a separate page after the Bibliography. Each Annex; It should be listed as Appendix 1., or Appendix 2., and a title should be written.

Article text

The Turkish title should be written in 9-font size, bold and capitalized, and justified to the left.

The English title should be written in 9 font sizes, italic, and capital letters, under the Turkish title, justified to the left.

Author names should be written left justified under the headings. The author's name and surname  should be written in 8-point bold. The title, institution, and e-mail addresses of the author should be written in italics under the name and surname of the author in 8-font size. ORCID of the authors should be given as footnotes.

The Turkish (Abstract) and English (Abstract) titles should be written in italics and 9 points. The text, on the other hand, should be written in 8 font size and with "1 (single)" line spacing, not exceeding 200 words. Text Spacing value “6pt” should be selected.

"Keywords" and "Keyword" should be chosen from at least four and at most six words that reflect the content of the research. Only the first letters of words should be capitalized, and each should be separated by a comma. Words should be written in 8 points.

"Times New Roman" font should be used throughout the text. All of the main headings should be written in 9 font size and bold, aligned to the left. Headings should be numbered in accordance with the decimal system (such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.2.). “8 pt” spaces should be left before and after the headings. The entire text should be written in 8 font size and justified. Paper size “A4” should be selected. The margins should be 2.5 cm from the top and bottom and 1.5 cm from the right and left. The paragraph indentation is 0.5 cm from the left. Line spacing of the text should be selected as "single". The range value should be “6nk”.

Bold or underlined expressions should not be used in the text. Tables, graphics, figures, documents, and other representations used in the text should be numbered and given in the bibliography with the date of access to the source.

Visual materials such as tables, figures, pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. used in the article should be specified in the bibliography by copyright and plagiarism rules. All responsibility for copyright and plagiarism of these elements used in the content belongs to the authors of the work.
All sub-headings should be left justified, in 8 font sizes and in italic. Only the first letters of the titles should be capitalized.

Footnotes related to matters that are thought to impair the semantic integrity of the paragraph in the text but require explanation should be shown in 8 pt at the bottom of the page.

"Table, figure, graphic, map, photograph, picture" etc. to be used in the article. The text should be bold. The first letters of the "Source" explanation under the tables, figures, graphics, maps, photographs, pictures, etc. must be capitalized. The texts within the notations should be given at 8-10 point intervals.

The first letters of the table title should be written in capital letters. If necessary, these impressions can be placed in the middle of the page. After the impressions, the page layout should continue again in two columns. In addition, tables, graphics, etc. should be prepared as editable text, not as images.