Writing Rules



The abstract should briefly state the aim, findings, and main conclusions of the research. It should provide a general overview of the research. Citations should be avoided in the abstract, and no abbreviations should be used. The headings in Turkish ("Öz") and English ("Abstract") should be written in italics and 8-point font size. The text should be written in 7-point font, single-spaced, and should not exceed 230 words.


The "Anahtar Sözcükler" (in Turkish) and "Keywords" (in English) should consist of at least four and no more than six words that reflect the content of the research. Only the first letters of the words should be capitalized, and they should be separated by commas. The keywords should be written in 7-point font.


This section should include the theoretical and conceptual framework of the research, its significance, aims, and the problem statement.


The type, model, research questions, and hypotheses of the study should be clearly stated. The sample, data collection techniques, and validity and reliability analyses should be explained.


The findings obtained as a result of the research should explain the purpose of the study and the research problem. The results should be supported by tables, graphs, figures, etc., based on the data obtained.


Inferences made from the findings should be presented in this section. Under this heading, discussions and suggestions may be given as subheadings.


Acknowledgment of individuals, institutions, or organizations that contributed to the research should be provided in this section.

Ethics Statement

The author must declare adherence to ethical principles in the study. If the article involves research requiring "Ethics Committee" approval, this information must be provided.

In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and on one of the first/last pages of the article; in case reports, information on the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article.

Funding Statement

The author should declare whether any financial support was received from individuals, institutions, or organizations for the study.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Author should declare whether they have any conflict of interest.

Contribution Rate Declaration

In multi-authored manuscripts submitted to our journal, authors should declare their contribution rates in percentages at the submission stage. No changes are allowed to be made to the author list and contribution rates after the submission process is completed.

NOTE: In studies derived from graduate theses, the author of the thesis should be indicated as the responsible author and the contribution rate should be defined as the highest author.


References should be prepared according to the "American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7)" style.

For more information, visit the APA website: https://apastyle.apa.org/products/publication-manual-7th-edition

APA 7 writing guide: Download


Appendices should be provided on a separate page after the References section. Each appendix should be titled and numbered sequentially as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.

Title and Personal Information Writing Guidelines

The Turkish title should be written in 9-point font, bold, and in ALL CAPS, justified on both sides.

The English title should be written in 9-point font, italic, and in ALL CAPS, justified on both sides, directly below the Turkish title.

Author names should be aligned to the left, directly under the titles. The author's first name (capitalized) and last name (ALL CAPS) should be written in 8-point bold font. Below the author’s name, their title, institution, email address, and ORCID should be written in italics and in 8-point font.

Article Text

The paper size should be set to "A4". The page layout should be in two columns. Margins should be 2.5 cm on the top and bottom, and 1.5 cm on the left and right. Paragraph indentation should be 0.5 cm from the left. The line spacing should be set to "single", with a spacing value of "6 pt".

The entire article should be written using the "Charis SIL" font. Main headings should be left-aligned, 9-point font, and bold. Headings should be numbered following the decimal system (e.g., 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.2.). A "6 pt" space should be left before and after the headings.

All subheadings should be left-aligned, 9-point font, and italic, with only the first letters of the words capitalized.

The body text should be written in 8-point font, justified on both sides.

Bold or underlined expressions should not be used within the text.

Tables, graphs, figures, documents, and other visual elements used in the text should be numbered, and the source should be given in full in the references section, including the access date.

Any visual materials used, such as tables, figures, images, photos, schemas, etc., should be cited according to copyright and plagiarism rules in the references section. The responsibility for copyright and plagiarism related to these elements lies with the authors.

Footnotes regarding issues that may disrupt the paragraph's coherence but require clarification should be placed at the bottom of the page and written in 8-point font.

The titles of tables, figures, graphs, maps, photos, images, etc., used within the article should be bold. The "Source" explanation below these elements should have the first letters capitalized. The text within these elements may range from 8 to 10 points.

The table title should be written with the first letters capitalized. In necessary cases, these elements can be centered on the page. After these elements, the page layout should return to two-column format.

Elements like tables and graphs should be prepared as editable text, not as images.