Requirements Related to the Use of Positive Psychology in Education in Turkey

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Positive psychology, Education, Strengths of character, Subjective well being, Positive strengths


Blended with concepts such as subjective well being, optimism, hope, positive strengths and strengths of character, positive psychology focuses on the strong aspects of individuals rather than their problem areas, unlike the dominant sense of psychology. In this context, positive psychology emphasizes the strengths that emerge in student behavior or academic achievement. In this study, it was aimed to discuss the requirements related to the use of positive psychology and draw attention to how practical and applicable outcomes of positive psychology would lead to significant changes in the behavioral and success related areas in schools in education. In the present study, a qualitative method was adopted. Within the scope of the discussion on the use of positive psychology in education, documents related to the policies of the Ministry of National Education were analyzed in terms of positive forces and character strengths through content analysis. The Classroom Guidance Program (2020) stresses strengths of character such as ambition and determination, love for learning, curiosity, hope and optimism, kindness, social intelligence, life force, courage, discreetness, forgiveness, sense of gratitude and humor. It was determined that in The Ministry of National Education Psychosocial Support Project, self-awareness skill was within the scope of positive psychology. The Education Model of Türkiye Century (2024) featured virtues-values-actions of positive psychology related to the areas such as modesty, responsibility, saving, patriotism and benevolence at group level. However, it did not include strengths of character of positive psychology such as well being, pleasure, satisfaction, hope, optimism, happiness and remaining in the flow, which concern the individual level. As a consequence, it is recommended that positive aspects of students be supported through school, class and course based activities, so that individuals with not only academic achievement, but also life satisfaction, self-awareness and hope will be raised in schools.


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How to Cite

Eroğul, N. (2024). Requirements Related to the Use of Positive Psychology in Education in Turkey. Heterotopic View, 2(2), 92–101.