Ferâ'izî-Zâde Mehmed Sa'îd Efendi and Pend-Nâme-i Attar Commentary

Ferâ’izî-zâde, Pend-nâme, Attâr, Commentary, LangugeAbstract
Turkish literature has a very rich tradition in terms of works that contain valuable elements such as traditions, customs, language and belief belonging to Turkish-Islamic culture. One of them is Ferâ'izî-zâde Mehmed Sa'îd Efendi's Pend-nâme-i Attar Commentary. This work, which is the commentary of Ferîdüddin Attâr's Pendnâmesi, who is among the Sufi poets of the 12th century Sufi literature, was written in 1224/1809. In this study, an effort was made to introduce this work and it was aimed to help the scientific world to know it more closely. Because the discovery of such works and reaching more people will contribute to our strong culture and literature. The information obtained from the sources reached is given in the form of sections in the article, accompanied by the necessary evaluations with the deductive method.
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