Geography and Social Policy

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Social policy, welfare geography, risk, space, movement


The first of the issues to be discussed in the study is related to social policy and the second is related to geography. This study aims to convey both the value and necessity of the bond between social policy and geography. It is very difficult to define social policy as an academic discipline. The boundaries of the discipline are not clear. Although there is increasing spatial interest in research focusing on different social issues, social policy routinely neglects these spatial elements. The multitude of relationships between social welfare policies and welfare geography remains a relatively little-known dimension among geographers. The geography of prosperity is an empirical understanding of socio-spatial conditions and inequalities; it is about a normative evaluation of these conditions and a political commitment to ensuring socio-spatial justice It is possible to evaluate these political foundations, which constitute one aspect of welfare geography studies, within the scope of social policy studies with a geographical dimension. However, most studies in human geography continue to be carried out without knowing that they have the characteristics of a social policy. One way to reduce the conflict between increasing social and individual demands on the one hand and the use of decreasing resources on the other is spatial social policy practices. Locally varying social, economic and cultural characteristics have determining characteristics in the implementation and effectiveness of social welfare policies. For human geographers, issues such as the geographical distribution of social service users and their concentration in certain places are closely related to social policies. In this context, the study focuses on the characteristics of geographical research compatible with social policy, the geographical context of social policy, and the perspective on the importance of the concepts of space, place, scale, movement and risk in social policy.


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How to Cite

Yiğit Özüdoğru, H. (2024). Geography and Social Policy . Heterotopic View, 2(1), 1–11.