Bekri Mustafa Jokes in The Context of Superıorıty Theory

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  • Sevim Çiftçi Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi



Joke, Humor, Bekri Mustafa, Theory of superiority


The common memories of the societies are their cultures that holds together them and qualifies to be a nation. Because of the fact that the jokes reflect the customs, traditions, beliefs, intelligence, and attitude on events, in other words way of the perceiving the world of the society they are belong to, they are one of the important components in Turkish folk literature and in a more general sense Turkish literature and our culture. From our oral culture products, the joke that loved and cherished at all times by keeping up with the changing times is one of the humor elements. The jokes that represents a rich presence in our culture, had been composed generally around certain types. Some of these types who are the mirror of the society they lived in, had become famous in worldwide and accepted by others, on the other hand some of these types had limited in a particular region. Bekri Mustafa is a historical figure and a joke type who is known in every region. In this study, which aims to reveal the reasons that reveal the laughter in Bekri Mutafa jokes, the place of Bekri Mustafa jokes in various joke classifications has been determined after firstly explaining the joke as a concept and genre. After the introduction of Bekri Mustafa, whose fame has survived to the present day, a brief information is given about the concept of humor and the theory of superiority, and Bekri Mustafa jokes are evaluated in the context of "Supremacy Theory". 117 jokes, which we took as a basis for the analysis, were read and 48 of these jokes were taken as a basis for the study in terms of humor theories. At the end of the examination, it was determined that twenty-two of the 48 jokes were deemed appropriate to be explained in the context of superiority theory.


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How to Cite

Çiftçi, S. (2023). Bekri Mustafa Jokes in The Context of Superıorıty Theory. Heterotopic View, 1(1), 14–24.