The Experiences and Needs of the Instructors Providing Distance Education

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Distance Education, e-measurement and assessment, e-assessment Web 2.0 tools, Education Technologies


The objective of this study is to establish the experiences and needs of the higher education instructors in relation with the measurement and assessment concepts. In line with this objective, the case study   method has been preferred as a qualitative research practice. The criterion sampling method has been used for the study. The study group consists of 14 higher education instructors who provide distance education to the students and relatedly use e-measurement and assessment methods. The data collection tool has been practiced as semi-structured interviews. The semi-structed interview form consists of demographic information and following four questions. The obtained data have been processed under content analysis method. It has been as a result of the study that It has been observed that the methods commonly preferred by instructors in distance education are projects, e-portfolio and peer assessment. It has been determined that the problems experienced by instructors in e-assessment and evaluation methods are student-related.


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How to Cite

ŞAHİN KÖLEMEN, C. (2024). The Experiences and Needs of the Instructors Providing Distance Education. Heterotopic View, 2(1), 25–34.